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Adding Software Type

All different forms of software such as, licensed, prohibited, freeware, shareware, excluded and un-identified software comes under this category.

To Add New Software Type:

  1. Log in to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.

  2. Click the Admin tab in the header pane. This opens the Configuration Wizard page.

  3. Under the Asset Management block, click the Software Type icon . This opens the Software Type list page. By default you have list of six software type in ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand. These default software cannot be edited or deleted.

    Shareware: Software that is available free of charge, may be distributed for evaluation with a fee requested for additional features or a manual etc.

    Freeware: Software that is provided without charge.

    Prohibited: Software that is prevented from use.

    Excluded: Software that is omitted from use.  

    Managed: All licensed software comes under this software type.

    Un-Identified: Unknown softwares can be categorized under this software type.

  4. Click the New Software Type link on the right hand side of the page. This opens the Software Type Details page.

  5. Specify the Software Type name in the given text field. This is a mandatory field which will uniquely identify individual software type.

  6. Specify any relevant information about the Software Type in the Description field.

  7. Click Add Software Type button. This adds the software type to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand and gets displayed below the add software form.  

ServiceDeskPlus On-Demand - SaaS based ITIL Ready help desk and Asset Management application