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Adding Non-It asset to group

You have two types of groups in ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand say, Static group and Dynamic. Add to group option in Non-IT asset list view page is to group bulk of Non-IT assets. These assets will be grouped under the Static group by default.

To Add Non-IT Assets to group:  

  1. Log in to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.

  2. Click any of the Non-IT Assets link under the Resources block on the left hand side of the page. This opens the Non-IT assets list view page.

  3. Select the Non-IT assets to be added to the group by enabling the check box. This opens the Add Resource(s) to page.

  4. By default you can group Non-IT assets only to the static group. Either to the Existing static group or New static group can be added.

  5. If you would like to group the Non-IT assets under existing static group then click the corresponding radio button. Select the group name from the combo box.

  6. Else, if you would like to add a new static group and group the Non-IT assets, click New Group radio button. Specify the Group Name and relevant information about the group in the Description field.   

  7. Click Save button to save the changes.

ServiceDeskPlus On-Demand - SaaS based ITIL Ready help desk and Asset Management application