You can provide license to individual managed softwares from the software
details page.
Log in to ServiceDesk
Plus On-Demand using your user name
and password.
Click the Assets
tab in the header pane to open the Assets home page.
Click Software
title under Resources block on
the left hand side of the page. Click Scanned
Software link to open the scanned software list view page.
Click on the software
name to which you wish to add the license. The
software details page opens.
Click on Actions
menu -> select Add Software License
option. The Add Software License option is available only for Managed
From the Add Software
License page, select the Type of License
you wish to provide to the softwarefrom
the combo box. Say Individual, Volume, Enterprise or Client Access License.
license provided for each individual(license for limited users).
license provided for specified number of users.
license provided for the entire organization (license for unlimited users).
Client Access License: Client Access
License (CAL) is required to access or use the services of the server.
CAL is primarily used for Microsoft products.