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Deleting a Purchase Order(PO)

To delete purchase orders:

  1. Log in to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.

  2. Click the Purchase tab in the header pane. This displays the list of All POs, by default. If you want to delete PO that is in any other state, then you need to choose corresponding state from the Filter Showing combo box for ex:Rejected POs etc.

  3. Enable the check box beside the PO # of the purchase order that you wish to delete, in the list view.

  4. Click Delete button. The PO gets deleted from the available list.

  5. You can also delete individual POs by clicking the PO # or Name and entering the PO details view. Click Actions button >> Delete Purchase Order option.   

ServiceDeskPlus On-Demand - SaaS based ITIL Ready help desk and Asset Management application