You can view Purchase Orders (PO's) based on pre-defined filters from the purchase order list view page. This helps in sorting and viewing purchase order based on your requirement.
To view PO's based on filters:
Log in to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.
Click Purchase tab in the header pane to open the Purchase Order list view page.
Select the corresponding filter option from the Filter Showing combo box. You can view purchase orders with different status levels using filters. They are:
All POs
Lists all the purchase orders irrespective of the status.
Open POs
Lists all the POs raised and yet to send it for approval.
POs Pending Approval
POs which are pending and awaiting for approval from the higher authority.
Approved POs
Lists all the approved Purchase Orders.
Rejected POs
Lists all the unaccepted Purchase Orders.
Partially Received POs
Lists the POs for which the items are partly received from the vendor.
Closed POs
Lists the POs for which the items are received and the invoice and payment is done.
Overdue POs
Lists all the POs that has exceeded the delivery date.
POs due in next 7 days
Lists the POs expiring in next 7 days.
POs due in next 30 days
Lists the POs expiring in next 30 days.