Searching in Purchase
You can search for purchase orders (POs) with the search option of ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand.
To search for POs:
Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.
On the top right hand side, in the search block, choose Purchase from the Search in combo box. If you are in the purchase section, then by default, purchase is selected.
In the Enter Keyword field, type in your search string.
Click or press the Enter key in your keyboard. The search results display all the purchase orders that match the search string.
Column wise search:
You can also search for POs based on one particular column.
To search for POs based on columns:
Log in to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.
Click on the Purchases tab which will display all the POs by default. In case you want to search for POs in a different state for ex:Approved POs, click on the Filter Showing combo box and choose the required state.
Click the search icon at the right hand corner of the Purchase Orders block. This displays a serach section above each column.
Enter the search details and click on the Go button
All the purchase orders that match the search details based on the column will be displayed.