Viewing a Purchase Order
To view purchase orders:
Log in to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.
Click the Purchase tab in the header pane. This displays the list of All POs, by default. If you want to see a PO that is in any other state, then you need to choose corresponding state from the Filter Showing combo box.
From the list of POs, click the PO Name link of the PO that you wish to view.
The View Purchase Order displays the PO details in the same way as in create PO form. The PO header has the name of your organization, logo, and the mailing address. The Order No, PO Name, Required By date and the status can be viewed at the right hand side of the header.
Next, consists of the details about the vendor, such as the vendor's name, address, phone number, fax, and the name of the contact person at the vendor location. Adjacent to this is the billing address and shipping address to which the invoice needs to sent and the assets needs to be delivered respectively.
Finally, the items are listed along with the cost calculations. The item table lists the item name, part no, price ($) per quantity, quantity ordered, and the total cost for the quantity ordered. Below this table, the cost details for shipping and sales tax are displayed and the final total cost of the PO is also displayed.
The General Information consists of, the Created Date, Owner of the PO, PO requested by, the cost center and the GL Code.
If there were any remarks provided for the PO while creating it, they are displayed at the bottom, along with the terms of the PO, attachments and the PO Approver(s) List. The footer consists of the signing authority and Place.
In case of closed POs in the view PO details page, you can also view the received items beside the ordered no of items in the Item List block.