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Flash Reports

Flash Reports help to get a quick and customizable overview of reports. Using Flash Reports we can generate a high level picture on the status of the requests based on the selected criteria. It tells us the number of requests that are present for a given condition.

To configure and view flash reports:

  1. Login to ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand with your user name and password.

  2. Click on Reports tab in the header pane

  3. Click on Flash Reports button in the reports home page. This opens the Flash Reports page.

  4. Select the filter parameters:

    • Select Created/Responded/Due-by/Completed time from the drop down box.

    • Select pre-defined time period from the drop down box by choosing During option or customize the time period by selecting the From and To dates from the calendar.

  1. Click on OK.

  2. The report is loaded in the same page.

The report shows information pertaining to requests in the mentioned time period under conditions such as Total requests, Pending Requests, Completed Requests and SLA Violated Requests.


Based on parameters such as SLA, Technicians, Priority, Category, Site, Level, Type, Urgency, Impact, Mode and Status, the reports can be further scrutinized. These parameters can be viewed by clicking on the respective button.

ServiceDeskPlus On-Demand - SaaS based ITIL Ready help desk and Asset Management application