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Unassigning a Technician from a Request

Each request will be owned by a technician, who would be responsible for handling the request till it is closed. You can unassign a request from the request and move it back to unassigned status.

To unassign a technician:

  1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand using your user name and password.

  2. Click the Request tab in the header pane. This opens the Requests list.

  3. Click the Title of the request for which you have to unassign a technician. This opens the view request page.

  4. The View Request page lists the Tasks that can be performed on the requests on top of the page. Click the Assign link and select the Assign option from the list. Alternatively, you can also unassign technician using inline edit option. Click the technician name shown in the request details block. This opens the drop down. Select the technician name from the list and click the icon to select the technician else click cancel icon.

  5. Now select the NONE option and click Assign. The request will be unassigned. If you do not wish to unassign the technician then you can just close the pop-up by clicking Cancel.

ServiceDeskPlus On-Demand - SaaS based ITIL Ready help desk and Asset Management application